
Margaret Leech

Reveille in Washington 1860 - 1865

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The story of the transformation of Washington during the Civil War, written in a vivid novelistic style. A bestseller when published.

Desmond Young

Rutland of Jutland

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A Biography of Squadron-Commander F. J. Rutland, famous for his courage and feats of daring whilst serving in the R.N.A.S in WWI. His speciality was flying reconnaissance planes off from the turret tops of cruisers, before the development of Aircraft Carriers. However, the mysterious circumstances of his arrest and long period of detention without trial during WWII are strange and disquieting.

William Matthews and Charles Knighton, Transcribers

Samuel Pepys and the Second Dutch War: Pepys White Book and Brooke House Papers

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These documents, printed for the first time from manuscripts preserved by Pepys in his library, are among the most important records relating to the Second Dutch War.

Saburo Sakai, as told to Martin Caidin


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The story of Japan's most successful fighter pilot during WWII, the war in the Pacific.

Friedrich Ruge

Sea Warfare 1939-1945: A German Viewpoint

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Written by a German vice Admiral, an analysis of German Navy tactics during WWII.

Winston Churchill

Secret Session Speeches, Delivered by the Right Hon. Winston S. Churchill

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Compiled by Charles Eade, the five speeches given by Churchill in secret sessions of the House of Commons during WWII. These were never officially recorded and are reproduced here from the Prime Ministers own notes.

Sir Campbell Stuart

Secrets of Crewe House: The Story of a Famous Campaign

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Tells the remarkable story of British propaganda in enemy countries during 1918; under the command of Viscount Northcliffe at Crewe House.

T.E. Lawrence

Seven Pillars of Wisdom

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Autobiographical account of T.E. Lawrences experiences during the Arab revolt against the Ottoman Empire, 1916 - 1918. 

Colonel G.A. Tokaev

Stalin Means War

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The memoires of a former officer in the Soviet Army and head of the Aerodynamics Laboratory, who defected from the USSR.

Geoffrey Moss

Standing Up to Hitler

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After "Munich," the author travelled through Eastern Europe witnessing early struggles to resist the German invasion. 

James B. Donovan

Strangers on a Bridge: The Case of Colonel Abel

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An account of the trial and subsequent exchange of Soviet spy Col. Abel with a US pilot on the border of East and West Berlin. The basis of the film Bridge of Spies.

S. Elliott Napier

The Book of the Anzac Memorial, N.S.W.

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The official book produced to commemorate the opening of the Anzac Memorial in Hyde Park, Sydney N.S.W. Including chapters on the history of Australian forces in WWI, and the conception and building of the memorial. A Handsome volume.

J.D.P. French

The Complete Despatches of Lord French, 1914-1916

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Comprising despatches from the First Expeditionary Force, led by the author Field Marshall Sir J.D.P. French. 

John Winton

The Death of The Scharnhorst

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An account of the sinking of the German battle cruiser Scharnhorst at Christmas 1943, to prevent attacks on Arctic convoys in the Barents Sea to the north of Norway.

W.H. Fevyer

The Distinguished Service Medal 1914-1920

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Arranged by Naval Despatches, followed by an index of all recipients and an index for bars of the DSM.

Anthony Charles Faramus and Frank Owen

The Faramus Story

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The experiences of a British prisoner of war in WWII, "...the most detailed, authentic and disgusting account of hell on earth that has yet been told."

Hubert Gough

The Fifth Army

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A History of the Fifth Army in WWI by its former commander, including descriptions of the Battle of the Somme and Passchendaele.
