I am buoyed up on a rainy day, by a battered old copy of ‘Cheerful Cookery’ by Noel Chanter that has come in this week, I feel this is a nice antithesis to the Nation’s mood. Noel is happy to tackle ‘the eternal problem…what pudding shall we have today?’. Pudding aside, my afternoon could definitely be improved with a plate of ‘Fat Rascals’ or perhaps more appropriately in the week of the Queen’s funeral, a Balmoral Scone (very much like any other but with the addition of Cream of Tartar). I won’t rush home to a Turnip Supreme though.

In the same house-clearance there is a set of Elswyth Thane’s Williamsburg novels, written in the 40’s and ’50’s, tracing members of the same family from the Amercian Revolution to the Second World War. These Hale editions have startlingly bright covers and the svelte heroines are dressed in an outfit appropriate to the period of each novel. I was sure that the Twiggy-ish woman on the cover of the dubiously titled ‘Kissing Kin’ was from the 60’s or 70’s, but apparently this is the 1914-30. Thane was allegedly very historitcally accurate, perhaps more so than the jacket’s illustrator and in line with the time, I am expecting the heroines to be diverted from ‘a passionate desire to help the world’, to love. I will take them as they stand and consider them, or perhaps just one, as my reading project for this week.
